Banana Phorum
22 Dicembre 2024, 04:01:22 *
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1  Banana Phorum / News / Ed il Pennuto disse: "Venite e riproduciamoci" inserita:: 23 Settembre 2006, 11:22:16
il server lo aprirei io, se non fosse che mi cade la connessione ogni tre quarti di secondo >.>
Riguardo al chan... non so usare mIRC *runs* (è vero, mai usato ._. )
2  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / Torneo vs Atq... inserita:: 16 Settembre 2006, 15:43:11
dò la mia disponibilità, ma non so se sono all'altezza... Big, fatemi sapere voi *runs*
3  Pokémon / Proposte / Torneo inserita:: 16 Settembre 2006, 12:44:29
4  Pokémon / Log Posting / Cerberus ._. inserita:: 18 Agosto 2006, 16:10:40
un'altro log, dove ho usato il mio team + schifoso (il primo team che ho fatto quando ho iniziato a giocare :S) e fatto un gioco da niubbazzo, ma a noi non importa questo, se non vedere come gioca sto tizio...
5  Pokémon / Log Posting / Cerberus ._. inserita:: 14 Agosto 2006, 16:27:20
mi è stato consigliato di postare quì il log....
6  Pokémon / Log Posting / Quando la sfiga non si mette in mezzo... inserita:: 11 Agosto 2006, 15:45:51
1) Che è, ti brucia questo log dopo quello che hai postato tu?

2) Nel post del tuo log non mi pare di averti chiamato comunista del cazzo :D
7  Pokémon / Log Posting / Quando la sfiga non si mette in mezzo... inserita:: 11 Agosto 2006, 15:24:39
Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Disallow Spectators
Fra [RiOT] vs Virtual Insanity.  Begin!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Ireui (Lv.100 Suicune)!
Virtual Insanity sent out Jolteon (Lv.100 Jolteon)!
Fra [RiOT]: gl

Begin Turn #1
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Suicune!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Leliel (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Jolteon used Agility!
Jolteon's Speed sharply rose!
End of turn #1
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 688 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 100% HP
Virtual Insanity: anche a te

Begin Turn #2
Jolteon used Agility!
Jolteon's Speed sharply rose!
Blissey used Ice Beam!
(31% damage)
End of turn #2
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 688 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 69% HP

Begin Turn #3
Jolteon used Agility!
Jolteon's Speed sharply rose!
Blissey used Ice Beam!
(27% damage)
End of turn #3
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 688 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 42% HP

Begin Turn #4
Jolteon used Thunderbolt!
(124 damage)
Blissey used Ice Beam!
(28% damage)
Using Liechi Berry, the Attack of Jolteon rose!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #4
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 607 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 14% HP

Begin Turn #5
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Blissey!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Ireui (Lv.100 Suicune)!
Jolteon used Baton Pass!
Virtual Insanity sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
End of turn #5
Fra [RiOT]'s Suicune: 384 HP
Virtual Insanity's Snorlax: 100% HP

Begin Turn #6
Snorlax used Belly Drum!
Snorlax cut its own HP and maximied Attack!
Suicune used Roar!
Snorlax fled from battle!
Gengar (Lv.100 Gengar) was dragged out!
End of turn #6
Fra [RiOT]'s Suicune: 384 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gengar: 100% HP
Fra [RiOT]: eh
Virtual Insanity: rtofl
Fra [RiOT]: troppo prevedibile
Fra [RiOT]: però snorlax drummato con + 6 alla speed
Fra [RiOT]: è gg
Fra [RiOT]: XD
Virtual Insanity: eh
Virtual Insanity: spacca
Fra [RiOT]: già
Fra [RiOT]: peggio di un uber

Begin Turn #7
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Suicune!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Leliel (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Gengar used Thunderbolt!
(88 damage)
Blissey is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #7
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 562 HP (Par)
Virtual Insanity's Gengar: 100% HP
Virtual Insanity: scusa
Fra [RiOT]: :/

Begin Turn #8
Virtual Insanity withdrew Gengar!
Virtual Insanity sent out Gyarados (Lv.100 Gyarados)!
Gyarados's Intimidate cuts Blissey's Attack!
Blissey is paralyzed! It can't move!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #8
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 605 HP (Par)
Virtual Insanity's Gyarados: 100% HP

Begin Turn #9
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Blissey!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Arael (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
Gyarados's Attack rose!
Gyarados's Speed rose!
End of turn #9
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gyarados: 100% HP

Begin Turn #10
Virtual Insanity withdrew Gyarados!
Virtual Insanity sent out Blissey (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Zapdos used Drill Peck!
(30% damage)
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #10
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Blissey: 76% HP
Virtual Insanity: gh
Fra [RiOT]: :D

Begin Turn #11
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Zapdos!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Ramiel (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Blissey used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
Starmie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #11
Fra [RiOT]'s Starmie: 240 HP
Virtual Insanity's Blissey: 82% HP

Begin Turn #12
Starmie used Surf!
(11% damage)
Blissey used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
Starmie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #12
Fra [RiOT]'s Starmie: 160 HP
Virtual Insanity's Blissey: 78% HP
Virtual Insanity: ammetto che sei migliorato

Begin Turn #13
Starmie used Recover!
Starmie regained health!
Blissey used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
Starmie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #13
Fra [RiOT]'s Starmie: 240 HP
Virtual Insanity's Blissey: 84% HP
Fra [RiOT]: ultimamente gioco molto meglio

Begin Turn #14
Virtual Insanity withdrew Blissey!
Virtual Insanity sent out Gengar (Lv.100 Gengar)!
Starmie used Surf!
(62% damage)
Gengar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Starmie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #14
Fra [RiOT]'s Starmie: 260 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gengar: 44% HP

Begin Turn #15
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Starmie!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Leliel (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Gengar used Thunderbolt!
(87 damage)
Gengar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #15
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 561 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gengar: 51% HP

Begin Turn #16
Virtual Insanity withdrew Gengar!
Virtual Insanity sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Blissey used Ice Beam!
(12% damage)
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #16
Fra [RiOT]'s Blissey: 604 HP
Virtual Insanity's Snorlax: 44% HP

Begin Turn #17
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Blissey!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Armisael (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Virtual Insanity withdrew Snorlax!
Virtual Insanity sent out Gyarados (Lv.100 Gyarados)!
Gyarados's Intimidate cuts Skarmory's Attack!
End of turn #17
Fra [RiOT]'s Skarmory: 320 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gyarados: 100% HP

Begin Turn #18
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Skarmory!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Arael (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
Gyarados's Attack rose!
Gyarados's Speed rose!
End of turn #18
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gyarados: 100% HP

Begin Turn #19
Gyarados used Thunder!
Gyarados's attack missed!
Zapdos used Hidden Power!
(23% damage)
Gyarados's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #19
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gyarados: 84% HP
Virtual Insanity: wtf
Fra [RiOT]: minchia

Begin Turn #20
Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
Gyarados's Attack rose!
Gyarados's Speed rose!
Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
(83% damage)
It's super effective!
Gyarados fainted!
Fra [RiOT]: però dai
Virtual Insanity: lol+
Virtual Insanity: e se fungeva?
Fra [RiOT]: non puoi rischiare così
Fra [RiOT]: non mi facevi niente
Virtual Insanity: amo il rischio
Fra [RiOT]: gyar ha un attacco speciale schifoso
Fra [RiOT]: potevo capire se era dragonite
Virtual Insanity: beh
Virtual Insanity: coff*ev*coff+
Fra [RiOT]: vabbè
Virtual Insanity sent out Gengar (Lv.100 Gengar)!
Gengar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #20
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Gengar: 57% HP
Fra [RiOT]: non arriva a + di 220
Fra [RiOT]: non vorrei sbagliarmi

Begin Turn #21
Virtual Insanity withdrew Gengar!
Virtual Insanity sent out Jolteon (Lv.100 Jolteon)!
Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
Jolteon restored HP using its Volt Absorb!
End of turn #21
Fra [RiOT]'s Zapdos: 336 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 39% HP
Virtual Insanity: ok
Virtual Insanity: grazie
Virtual Insanity: :
Fra [RiOT]: ok, quì mi hai fottuto
Fra [RiOT]: :D
Fra [RiOT]: sbagliato io cmq
Fra [RiOT]: dovevo fare dpeck
Fra [RiOT]: vabbè

Begin Turn #22
Fra [RiOT] withdrew Zapdos!
Fra [RiOT] sent out Zeruel (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Jolteon used Agility!
Jolteon's Speed sharply rose!
End of turn #22
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 464 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 39% HP

Begin Turn #23
Jolteon used Baton Pass!
Virtual Insanity sent out Gengar (Lv.100 Gengar)!
Snorlax used Shadow Ball!
(57% damage)
It's super effective!
Gengar fainted!
Fra [RiOT]: eh
Virtual Insanity: e lo sapevo.
Virtual Insanity sent out Suicune (Lv.100 Suicune)!
End of turn #23
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 464 HP
Virtual Insanity's Suicune: 100% HP
Fra [RiOT]: uhm

Begin Turn #24
Suicune used Calm Mind!
Suicune's Special Attack rose!
Suicune's Special Defense rose!
Snorlax used Belly Drum!
Snorlax cut its own HP and maximied Attack!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #24
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 261 HP
Virtual Insanity's Suicune: 100% HP

Begin Turn #25
Suicune used Surf!
(119 damage)
Snorlax used Frustration!
(100% damage)
Suicune fainted!
Virtual Insanity sent out Jolteon (Lv.100 Jolteon)!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #25
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 171 HP
Virtual Insanity's Jolteon: 39% HP

Begin Turn #26
Jolteon used Thunderbolt!
(114 damage)
Snorlax used Frustration!
(39% damage)
Jolteon fainted!
Virtual Insanity sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #26
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 86 HP
Virtual Insanity's Snorlax: 51% HP

Begin Turn #27
Snorlax used Frustration!
(51% damage)
Snorlax fainted!
Virtual Insanity: + veloce?
Virtual Insanity sent out Blissey (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blissey's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #27
Fra [RiOT]'s Snorlax: 115 HP
Virtual Insanity's Blissey: 90% HP
Fra [RiOT]: il mio è atipico
Virtual Insanity: amen
Fra [RiOT]: se vedessi le evs
Fra [RiOT]: ti rotfleresti

Begin Turn #28
Blissey used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
Snorlax used Frustration!
(91% damage)
Blissey fainted!

End Battle!  Fra [RiOT] wins!
Score: 6 to 0
Fra [RiOT]: gg
Virtual Insanity: eh vaffbè
Fra [RiOT]: ^^
Virtual Insanity: faccio schifo
Virtual Insanity: niente di nuovo
Fra [RiOT]: vabbè
Virtual Insanity: =P
Fra [RiOT]: tieni conto
Fra [RiOT]: che io gioco sempre
Fra [RiOT]: tu no
Fra [RiOT]: :D
Virtual Insanity: amen

NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 11/08/2006 at 15.07.08

Postato solo per dimostrare che non mi batti come vuoi far credere in giro postando quel log di quel celebi caricato con l'uranio impoverito  
P.S: Virtual Insanity = Jay Kay  
8  Pokémon / Log Posting / come svegliarsi mentre ti distruggono i PP... inserita:: 14 Luglio 2006, 18:09:13
sì che esiste ancora, MT lo ha fondato di nuovo
9  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / FRLG Tournament inserita:: 10 Luglio 2006, 17:47:44
Ok, ho battuto anche Riku, 4 - 0.
Ora però non ho capito contro chi devo andare XDDD
10  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / FRLG Tournament inserita:: 10 Luglio 2006, 14:48:10
Vinto con Hanakin 6 a 0 ^__^
Riku, aspetto che tu sia pronto a combattere... sai come contattarmi ;)
11  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / FRLG Tournament inserita:: 10 Luglio 2006, 12:19:12
k, io sono pronto a partire da ora... scusate il ritardo ^__^
12  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / FRLG Tournament inserita:: 07 Luglio 2006, 17:10:44
Ho ricevuto notizie da Umbreon-91, il quale, purtroppo, mi ha riferito di non poter partecipare al torneo
13  Pokémon / Steven's Advice / Mio Deck inserita:: 04 Luglio 2006, 15:29:47
beh, fino a quando giocavo io non avevo tutti sti problemi di velocità quanto riuscivo a piazzare charizard già al terzo turno (se non altro il deck girare gira...), e poi aggron, seguito da tyranitar... ovviamente sapevo che visto così mi sarebbe stato detto di rifare il deck ^__^ cosa che comunque farò appena ne avrò tempo e voglia... mi sa però che sono rimasto un pò indietro con il gioco XD belve che infliggono 100 già al secondo riguardo aerodactyl (ok, ho perso il filo del gioco.... sconosco queste nuove carte =_=) c'è una qualche regola riguardante i delta species che mi impedisce di giocarlo? O.o mi rendo conto che non so nemmeno cosa siano ste benedette No Removal Gym/Echogym 2... ma mi documenterò... detto questo, quando giocavo io tutti sti problemi di velocità non c'erano... con la premessa che questo deck risale a circa due anni fa, e che con un solo supporter a turno riesco a trovare (di solito) quello che mi serve.... cmq si, non è il massimo della funzionalità questo deck, ma a me piace ^__^
charizard lo tengo solo perchè è la mia belva preferita nel tcg
P.S: non hai idea di quanto mi ha fatto piacere sapere che c'è ancora qualcuno che se ne intende di TCG ^__^
14  Pokémon / Steven's Advice / Mio Deck inserita:: 04 Luglio 2006, 02:08:23
Ok, sarò sborone, ma da quello che ho potuto vedere (non tantissimo in effetti) non ci sono dei grandissimi deck postati in questa sezione (spero ci siano almeno dei bravi giocatori ^__^), così ho deciso di postare il mio, con qualche premessa.... /me (lo so che non funziona il comando eh) è stato uno dei 4 campioni regionali di TCG della Sicilia nell'anno 2002 credo (non mi ricordo bene o.ò), e ai tempi non avevo nemmeno tutta l'abilità che sviluppai in seguito.... avevo iniziato a giocare da qualche mese.... ottenendo comunque nu ottimo piazzamento....however, ho continuato a frequentare leghe ecc.ecc. fino a due anni fa o giù di lì... credo di potermi ritenere un grande giocatore, visto che ero conosciuto in tutto l'impero del tcg della mia zona, ai tempi.... conservo ancora gelosemente i miei libretti della lega (ma quanto sono sborone )
Comunque, ecco l'ultimo deck che ho creato, e che non modifico da circa un anno e mezzo... ormai lo tengo solo come ricordo e per fare qualche fun battle, ogni tanto, con gli amici:
Deck ''Special Energy r0cks''
Pokemon (22) :
1 Kangaskhan (ex fr/lg) : sta qui con lo scopo di farmi pescare il + possibile, dato che il deck, data la sua struttura, ha bisogno continuamente di girare)
1 Aerodactyl delta species: serve solo per il suo potere, consentendomi di pescare delle energie base da smistare fra charizard e chi ne ha bisogno... con pidgeot forma un'accoppiata vincente
1 Onix - 1 Dark Steelix(ex team rocket returns): purtropop ho solo un Dark Steelix, così come un solo dark tyranitar, ma ho bilanciato il deck in modo da provvedere a questo problema
2 Aron 2 Lairon 1 Aggron 1 Aggron EX: che dire.... dei TANK di prima categoria.... il mio preferito è aggron ex, che aiuta anche a devastare la panchina.... il terrore dei pkmn base con pochi PV  
2 charmander, 2 charmeleon, 2 charizard (neo expedition): mia carta preferita nonchè presente nel mio deck dei regionali.... LO AMO  
1 Pidgey, 1 Pidgeotto, 1 Pidgeot (ex fr/lg): che dire.... se riesco a settarlo, è gg... visto che mi consente di prendere una qualsiasi carta del deck....  
1 Larviar 1 Pupitar 1 Dark Tyranitar (ex team rocket returns): peccato averne solo una di queste belve  

4 Prof. Elm (Neo Genesis): si, lo so, sono preistorici.... ma sono alnche il mio tipo preferito di addestramento, nonchè indispensabile per far girare il deck
1 La ricerca del prof.Oak (non riconosco il segno del set... sono arrugginito :^_^': ), 1 Guardia Forestale (aquapolis), 1 Spedizione Sotterranea (skyridge): anche questi.... preistorici, ma indispensabili per far girare il deck...
1 Oracolo (skyridge): uno dei migliori addestramenti che abbia mai visto...mi domando per quale motivo ne abbia conservato solo uno... ma vabbè, ci si accontenta
1 Consiglio di Rocco (leggende nascoste ''credo'')
1 Scambio di Pokemon (ristampate, dal set base... troppo cool secondo me)
1 Carica Energia
1 Ice Machine
1 Rock Machine
1 Life Herb
1 Pokemon Nurse
2 Tomba Antica (per evitare che per esempio Aggron, con 4 energie metallo, venga fatto fuori da un solo colpo di un attacco superefficace.... visto che il suo compito è quello di assorbire il + possibile)
Energie: (22)
4 Buio
4 Metallo (3 Holofoil   )
4 doppie arcobaleno
6 fuoco
4 lotta
1 Elettro (appartenente  nessun set... energia praticamente ''promo'',vinta alla lega il primo giorno che ci andai.... semifinalista del torneo di quel giorno.... che ricordi fantastici *_* fatto sta che questa energia fa da sempre parte del mio deck, di qualunque tipo esso sia)

Descrizione Tecnica:
Si, so già quali saranno gli eventuali commenti.... so benissimo che al TCG non si può giocare senza sfruttare i doppioni.... beh, questo deck sfrutta tanti tipi di pokemon in modo da poter sempre essere imprevedibile, in qualunque partita e contro qualsiasi avversario... ovviamente questa tattica ha i suoi pregi e difetti, ovvero...
pregi: si riesce al 90% ad avere un pokemon che per l'avversario è difficile da mettere k.o.
difetti: è difficile da far ingranare... e non ho addestramenti tali (che mi ero ripromesso di inserire) da consentirmi di ripescare le metallo e le buio... apparte un misero carica energia, che è davvero poca cosa....
cmq sia, a vederlo così sembra un deck tecnicamente mediocre, con una solidità costruttiva assolutamente precaria.... ma come ogni buon giocatore di TCG sa, lasciamo ad ogni giocatore il suo stile... ^__^
Saluti, Fra
15  Pokémon / Log Posting / come svegliarsi mentre ti distruggono i PP... inserita:: 03 Luglio 2006, 23:47:49
Begin Turn #104
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Ptéra's Attack!
Ptéra used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Elemence...
che lo usa a fare Aerodactyl se non azzecca una prediction? =_=
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
End of turn #104
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 1% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 35 HP

Begin Turn #105
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Ptéra!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie is hurt by Spikes!
Elemence used Hidden Power!
(42% damage)
Leuphorie fainted!
Grande Salamence ^__^
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
End of turn #105
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 1% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 15 HP
Fra [OT]: another strike
Fra [OT]: ci sarà un motivo
Fra [OT]: se sono anche + bravo del vostro fondatore
Fra [OT]: ^__^
Begin Turn #106
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Ptéra!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Laggron is hurt by Spikes!
Elemence used Hidden Power!
(56% damage)
Laggron fainted!
Beh... Salamence ricambia la fiducia di cui gli ho fatto carico :D
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Tyranocif (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranocif is hurt by Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Elemence fainted!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Tyranocif's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #106
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Tyranocif: 56% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 164 HP
tyt00341 has started watching.

Begin Turn #107
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(56% damage)
It's super effective!
Tyranocif fainted!
Addio... ghghghghghgh
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #107
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 1% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 164 HP

Begin Turn #108
Ptéra used Rock Slide!
(164 damage)
Oceanic Light fainted!
Sacrificio necessario purtroppo...
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
The sandstorm rages.
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #108
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 1% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #109
Ptéra used Rock Slide!
Ptéra's attack missed!
The Owner used Shadow Ball!
(0% damage)
Ptéra fainted!
Ben gli sta, non mi avrebbe tolto nemmeno il 40%, ma ben gli sta... con 1 Ps poi....bah
End Battle!  Fra [OT] wins!
Score: 0 to 3
Fra [OT]: gg
tyt00341 has left.
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa: :'(
Fra [OT]: visto?

NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 03/07/2006 at 14.14.56
Beh.... che dire, una battaglia piuttosto niubbica all'inizio... ma che ho reso poi un pelo più interessante appena mi sono reso conto che avrei perso tutti  i PP e di conseguenza perso contro un n00b di quel calibro... sono un tipo orgoglioso io! X°°°°°°°°°°°°°D
Intanto MT e il suo ''club'' (rotfl) si beccano questo bel cazzotto dritto dritto nello stomaco.... a breve i log miei contro MT ^__^
Saluti, Fra
Edit: nel caso in cui non si fosse capito, sto NUB era dell'olimpic club ù.ù
16  Pokémon / Log Posting / come svegliarsi mentre ti distruggono i PP... inserita:: 03 Luglio 2006, 23:31:03
Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa vs Fra [OT].  Begin!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Tyranocif (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Tyranocif's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Tyranocif's Attack!

Begin Turn #1
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Tyranocif!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Elemence used Brick Break!
(27% damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #1
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 79% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 315 HP

Begin Turn #2
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #2
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #3
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Oceanic Light used Ice Beam!
(7% damage)
e da qui in poi i miei PP cominceranno ad andare a quel paese....
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #3
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 93% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #4
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
Leuphorie used Toxic!
It doesn't affect Cave Emperor...
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #4
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 93% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #5
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(23% damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #5
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 62% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #6
Airmure used Spikes!
Fra [OT]'s team had Spikes scattered around it!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
Cave Emperor's attack missed!
[/B] Volevo provare ad aumentare l'attacco, ma niente.... Smashgross per oggi non farà granchè [/B]
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #6
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 68% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #7
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Oceanic Light is hurt by Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #7
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 252 HP

Begin Turn #8
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Oceanic Light used Rapid Spin!
(4% damage)
Oceanic Light blew away Spikes!
Fortuna che è stupido....
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #8
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 252 HP

Begin Turn #9
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #9
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 412 HP

Begin Turn #10
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Airmure's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #10
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 74% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 295 HP

Begin Turn #11
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Elemence used Fire Blast!
(16% damage)
It's not very effective...
Niente, il mio tentativo di tarpare le ali al suo Skarm non è andato in porto....
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #11
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 84% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 275 HP

Begin Turn #12
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #12
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 252 HP

Begin Turn #13
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Come ho fatto a non prevederlo....mah
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(11% damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #13
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 252 HP

Begin Turn #14
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Fortress V3b (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #14
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 604 HP

Begin Turn #15
Fortress V3b used Seismic Toss!
(15% damage)
Leuphorie used Toxic!
Fortress V3b was badly poisoned!
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Fortress V3b is hurt by poison!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #15
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 63% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 560 HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #16
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Fortress V3b!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
End of turn #16
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #17
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Laggron used Substitute!
Laggron made a Substitute!
The sandstorm rages.
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #17
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 81% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #18
Laggron used Surf!
(179 damage)
Heavy Metal used Whirlwind!
Laggron was blown away!
Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey) was dragged out!
Quì ho rischiato tantissimo.... meno male che non ha fatto un critical :D
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Heavy Metal's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #18
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 63% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 161 HP

Begin Turn #19
Heavy Metal used Rest!
Heavy Metal went to sleep!
Leuphorie used Softboiled!
Leuphorie regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #19
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #20
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
End of turn #20
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP
Seymour [OT] has started watching.

Begin Turn #21
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Ptéra's Attack!
Ptéra used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Elemence...
Ripeto... meno male che era stupido ^__^
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
End of turn #21
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 255 HP

Begin Turn #22
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Ptéra!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
 Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #22
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 84% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #23
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #23
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 87% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 252 HP

Begin Turn #24
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #24
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 412 HP

Begin Turn #25
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #25
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 80% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #26
Airmure used Spikes!
Fra [OT]'s team had Spikes scattered around it!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(23% damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #26
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 63% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #27
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(24% damage)
It's not very effective...
Cave Emperor's Attack rose!
Provo di nuovo ad aumentare le statistiche....
Airmure used Roar!
Cave Emperor fled from battle!
Fortress V3b (Lv.100 Blissey) was dragged out!
Fortress V3b is hurt by Spikes!
niente, non è andata come volevo :(
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #27
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 45% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 472 HP

Begin Turn #28
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Fortress V3b!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Oceanic Light is hurt by Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #28
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 94% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 216 HP

Begin Turn #29
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(33% damage)
Laggron used Surf!
(75 damage)
It's not very effective...
e meno male anche che non aveva e.quake :°D
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #29
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 67% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 141 HP

Begin Turn #30
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Oceanic Light used Recover!
Oceanic Light regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #30
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 285 HP

Begin Turn #31
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Oceanic Light used Rapid Spin!
(3% damage)
Oceanic Light blew away Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #31
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 70% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 285 HP
Seymour [OT] has left.

Begin Turn #32
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Leuphorie's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #32
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 235 HP

Begin Turn #33
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Elemence used Fire Blast!
(15% damage)
It's not very effective...
niente Skarm, di nuovo..... >.<
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #33
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 69% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 215 HP

Begin Turn #34
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #34
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 76% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 285 HP

Begin Turn #35
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Oceanic Light used Ice Beam!
(8% damage)
continuo a perdere PP inutilmente.... di questo passo non andrò avanti
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #35
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 92% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 285 HP

Begin Turn #36
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Fortress V3b (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #36
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 92% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 372 HP

Begin Turn #37
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fortress V3b used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #37
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 372 HP

Begin Turn #38
Laggron used Substitute!
Laggron made a Substitute!
Fortress V3b used Softboiled!
Fortress V3b regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #38
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 64% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 704 HP

Begin Turn #39
Fra [OT] withdrew Fortress V3b!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Laggron used Surf!
(76 damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #39
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 70% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 209 HP

Begin Turn #40
Oceanic Light used Surf!
The Substitute took damage for Laggron!
Laggron's Substitute faded!
Laggron used Surf!
(70 damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #40
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 76% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 139 HP

Begin Turn #41
Oceanic Light used Recover!
Oceanic Light regained health!
Laggron used Surf!
(71 damage)
It's not very effective...
chi crede di beccare con quel surf? mah... mi pare sia solo capace di difendersi.... che sia ora di cominciare a dimostrargli chi comanda?
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #41
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #42
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Oceanic Light's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #42
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 69% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #43
Drattak used Protect!
Drattak protected itself!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
Drattak protected itself!
ancora a farmi perdere PP =_=
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #43
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 69% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #44
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(25% damage)
It's not very effective...
Grande niubbo che sono.... e se avesse avuto earthquake?... >.<
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #44
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 26% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #45
Airmure used Rest!
Airmure went to sleep!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(23% damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #45
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 84% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #46
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(26% damage)
It's not very effective...
Airmure is fast asleep.
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #46
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 64% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #47
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(25% damage)
It's not very effective...
niente.... Smashgross non ne vuole sapere di aumentare il suo attacco.... intanto i PP vanno a farsi fottere
Airmure is fast asleep.
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #47
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 45% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #48
Airmure woke up!
Airmure used Rest!
Airmure went to sleep!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(25% damage)
It's not very effective...
=_= che niubbo che sono.... è elementare una tattica difensiva del genere.... fai perdere PP all avversario e poi lo distruggi....
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #48
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 81% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP
Fra [OT]: niente
Fra [OT]: sto coso non aumenta mai le statistiche
Fra [OT]: mannaggia a lui
Fra [OT]: >.<
durante la battaglia ho scritto questo, ma le parole che mi venivano in mente erano di ben altro tipo....asd
Begin Turn #49
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Airmure is fast asleep.
The sandstorm rages.
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #49
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 87% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 412 HP

Begin Turn #50
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts The Owner's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Drattak's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #50
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 69% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 195 HP

Begin Turn #51
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Drattak used Protect!
But it failed!
si aspettava che lo attaccassi con il rischio che correvo? meglio tenersi salamence per dopo.... anche se la sandstorm si fa sentire
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #51
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 69% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #52
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #52
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 92% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #53
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Airmure's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #53
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 93% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 175 HP

Begin Turn #54
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Elemence used Hidden Power!
(30% damage)
ci ho provato....
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #54
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 39% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 155 HP

Begin Turn #55
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Drattak used Wish!
Drattak made a Wish!
mannaggia sto Wish >.<
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #55
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 39% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #56
Drattak used Protect!
Drattak protected itself!
Oceanic Light used Ice Beam!
Drattak protected itself!
Drattak's Wish came true!
Drattak regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #56
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #57
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #57
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 92% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #58
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(23% damage)
It's not very effective...
Cave Emperor's Attack rose!
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #58
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 77% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #59
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(37% damage)
It's not very effective...
Airmure is fast asleep.
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #59
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 46% HP (Slp)
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #60
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
Cave Emperor's attack missed!
che sfiga poi....
Airmure woke up!
Airmure used Roar!
Cave Emperor fled from battle!
The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
The sandstorm rages.
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #60
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 52% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 412 HP
Fra [OT]: =_=

Begin Turn #61
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts The Owner's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #61
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #62
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Tyranocif (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #62
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Tyranocif: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #63
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Tyranocif!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(10% damage)
continuo a farmi distruggere i PP inutilmente....
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #63
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #64
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #64
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 312 HP

Begin Turn #65
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts The Owner's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #65
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #66
Drattak used Protect!
Drattak protected itself!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
Drattak protected itself!
ormai la sua tattica è molto + che chiara....
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #66
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 336 HP

Begin Turn #67
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Laggron's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #67
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 88% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 135 HP

Begin Turn #68
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #68
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 312 HP

Begin Turn #69
The Owner used Rest!
The Owner went to sleep!
Drattak used Roar!
The Owner fled from battle!
Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence) was dragged out!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Drattak's Attack!
[/B] Roar? e io che avevo paura di un eventuale brick break... o cmq una mossa d'attacco.... [/B]
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #69
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 115 HP

Begin Turn #70
Elemence used Hidden Power!
(42% damage)
Drattak used Wish!
Drattak made a Wish!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #70
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 47% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 95 HP

Begin Turn #71
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Fortress V3b (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Drattak used Protect!
But it failed!
Drattak's Wish came true!
Drattak regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #71
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 97% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 704 HP

Begin Turn #72
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Fortress V3b used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
The sandstorm rages.
Fortress V3b is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Fortress V3b's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #72
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 95% HP
Fra [OT]'s Fortress V3b: 704 HP

Begin Turn #73
Fra [OT] withdrew Fortress V3b!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Laggron used Substitute!
Laggron made a Substitute!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #73
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 76% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 212 HP

Begin Turn #74
Oceanic Light used Surf!
The Substitute took damage for Laggron!
Laggron's Substitute faded!
Laggron used Surf!
(73 damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #74
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 139 HP

Begin Turn #75
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #75
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 82% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #76
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts The Owner's Attack!
The Owner used Return!
(21% damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #76
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 76% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #77
Drattak used Wish!
Drattak made a Wish!
The Owner used Counter!
But it failed!
niente, non attacca >.<
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #77
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 76% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #78
The Owner used Return!
(19% damage)
Drattak used Roar!
The Owner fled from battle!
Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory) was dragged out!
Drattak's Wish came true!
Drattak regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #78
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #79
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
mi trovo Skarm in condizioni di non poter essere attaccato in modo superefficace, potendo quindi piazzare le spikes nel modo + tranquillo possibile.... inoltre non ha uno spinner! decido di svegliarmi, adesso è ora di ballare
Heavy Metal used Spikes!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's team had Spikes scattered around it!
The sandstorm rages.
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #79
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 88% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #80
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Laggron used Surf!
(75 damage)
It's not very effective...
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #80
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 94% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 64 HP

Begin Turn #81
Oceanic Light used Recover!
Oceanic Light regained health!
Laggron used Ice Beam!
(49 damage)
It's not very effective...
sembra voler predire qualcosa.... ma cosa? mica sono così n00b da mandargli contro salamence (unico con debolezza ice)
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #81
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 159 HP

Begin Turn #82
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie is hurt by Spikes!
Oceanic Light used Recover!
Oceanic Light regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #82
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 70% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #83
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
posso piazzare un altro livello di spikes.....perfetto direi
Leuphorie used Softboiled!
Leuphorie regained health!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #83
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #84
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
Heavy Metal used Spikes!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's team had Spikes scattered around it!
perfetto, ho settato il secondo livello di spikes.... non mi resta adesso che giocare di prediction e sfruttare a dovere le punte.... ovviamente dopo aver settato il terzo livello
The sandstorm rages.
End of turn #84
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 320 HP

Begin Turn #85
Ptéra used Rock Slide!
(105 damage)
Heavy Metal used Whirlwind!
Ptéra was blown away!
Tyranocif (Lv.100 Tyranitar) was dragged out!
Tyranocif is hurt by Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Tyranocif's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Heavy Metal's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #85
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Tyranocif: 87% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 235 HP

Begin Turn #86
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
Tyranocif used Rock Slide!
(48 damage)
It's not very effective...
w il mio smashgross con una difesa stratosferica :°°D
The sandstorm rages.
Tyranocif's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #86
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Tyranocif: 94% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 288 HP

Begin Turn #87
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Tyranocif!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Cave Emperor used Meteor Mash!
(24% damage)
It's not very effective...
Vabbè, non si è fatto tentare dall'earthquake....pazienza
The sandstorm rages.
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #87
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 34% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 288 HP

Begin Turn #88
Fra [OT] withdrew Cave Emperor!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Airmure used Roar!
Heavy Metal fled from battle!
The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
The sandstorm rages.
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #88
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 40% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #89
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
Airmure used Spikes!
Fra [OT]'s team had Spikes scattered around it!
no caro, non userai le mie stesse armi contro di me ^__^
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Airmure's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #89
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Airmure: 46% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #90
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Airmure!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie is hurt by Spikes!
Oceanic Light used Rapid Spin!
(3% damage)
Oceanic Light blew away Spikes!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #90
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #91
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Heavy Metal (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Heavy Metal's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #91
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 155 HP

Begin Turn #92
Heavy Metal used Spikes!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's team had Spikes scattered around it!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Heavy Metal's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #92
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 75 HP
ho settato il terzo livello di spikes.... adesso non resta che far recuperare HP a Skarm... così mi aiuterà a proteggermi da aerodactyl...
Begin Turn #93
Heavy Metal used Rest!
Heavy Metal went to sleep!
Leuphorie used Seismic Toss!
(100 damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Heavy Metal's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #93
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 78% HP
Fra [OT]'s Heavy Metal: 240 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #94
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
Fra [OT] withdrew Heavy Metal!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #94
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #95
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Ptéra!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie is hurt by Spikes!
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(10% damage)
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #95
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 43% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #96
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Cave Emperor (Lv.100 Metagross)!
Leuphorie used Softboiled!
Leuphorie regained health!
decido che devo assolutamente liberarmi di quel fastidiosissimo skarmory.... oltretutto il povero Smashgross è ormai con pochissimi PP su Meteor Mash.... quindi, quale miglior modo di utilizzarlo se non quello di....
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #96
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 93% HP
Fra [OT]'s Cave Emperor: 288 HP

Begin Turn #97
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Airmure (Lv.100 Skarmory)!
Cave Emperor used Explosion!
(46% damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Airmure fainted!
Cave Emperor fainted!
.... di esplodere? direi che adesso sono apposto, lui non ha wall fisici, quindi posso sfruttare questa situazione e le spikes, che a questo punto sono tutte a mio vantaggio...
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Tyranocif (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranocif is hurt by Spikes!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Tyranocif's Attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Tyranocif's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #97
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Tyranocif: 75% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 75 HP

Begin Turn #98
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Tyranocif!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts Elemence's Attack!
Elemence used Brick Break!
(11% damage)
It's not very effective...
ok, decido che è il momento di devastargli il team usando le spikes... ma non solo :D
The sandstorm rages.
Elemence is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #98
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Elemence: 55 HP

Begin Turn #99
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Drattak!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Laggron (Lv.100 Swampert)!
Laggron is hurt by Spikes!
Fra [OT] withdrew Elemence!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
comincio ad anticiparlo nelle mosse.... è l'inizio della sua fine
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Laggron's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #99
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Laggron: 81% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #100
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Laggron!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Leuphorie (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Leuphorie is hurt by Spikes!
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out The Owner (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
The sandstorm rages.
Leuphorie is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The Owner is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Leuphorie's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
The Owner's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #100
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Leuphorie: 68% HP
Fra [OT]'s The Owner: 512 HP

Begin Turn #101
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa withdrew Leuphorie!
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Drattak (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Drattak's Intimidate cuts The Owner's Attack!
Fra [OT] withdrew The Owner!
Fra [OT] sent out Oceanic Light (Lv.100 Starmie)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Drattak is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Drattak's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #101
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Drattak: 89% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP

Begin Turn #102
si aspetta un altro switch atto a sfruttare le spikes.... ma io sono più furbo di lui ^__^
Oceanic Light used Ice Beam!
(89% damage)
It's super effective!
Drattak fainted!
Fra [OT]: strike
direi che ci stava anche lo strike ^__^
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa sent out Ptéra (Lv.100 Aerodactyl)!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #102
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 100% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 288 HP
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa: tg

Begin Turn #103
Ptéra used Earthquake!
(142 damage)
Oceanic Light used Surf!
(99% damage)
It's super effective!
Argh!!! 1 PS >.< che sfiga!!!
The sandstorm rages.
Oceanic Light is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Oceanic Light's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #103
[ITA]Sam.McPlaypa's Ptéra: 1% HP
Fra [OT]'s Oceanic Light: 146 HP

Begin Turn #104
Fra [OT] withdrew Oceanic Light!
Fra [OT] sent out Elemence (Lv.100 Salamence)!
Elemence's Intimidate cuts Ptéra's Attack!
Ptéra used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Elemence...
Noob che è
Begin Turn #104[b
17  Banana Phorum / News / Club Anti-Club: we am back! inserita:: 03 Luglio 2006, 15:46:06
sarei interessato ad iscrivermi....
18  Pokémon / Album dei ricordi / FRLG Tournament inserita:: 23 Giugno 2006, 20:58:34
mi iscrivo... come poteva mancare The Noob Killer? xP
19  Pokémon / Team Rating / Orpo Ufficial Team v 1.1 inserita:: 15 Giugno 2006, 23:36:01
Umbra, io a quello lì ho fatto 5 a 0 =_=
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